Wassup with you people ? After Scoble, Penchina, Fletcher and Tara Hunt who left their gigs to start new adventures, it is the turn of da man – Om Malik – to leave his full time editor position at Business 2.0 in order to focus on GigaOM – his renowned blog – and turn it into a business. He will be supported by Phil Black from True Ventures, a new VC firm co-founded by Phil who was also involved in Blacksmith Capital, an investor in Automattic and Sphere.
Because many things in the Valley start when hanging out, let’s get back to the genesis of that hopefully very fruitful relationship.
T’was a nice dinner at Tony Conrad (CEO of Sphere, ex-VC backer of Oddpost, and good friend of mine) that saw Om and Phil meet for the first time – as shown by this picture taken by Flickr’s Caterina Fake featuring Tony, yours truly, Phil and Om (though Phil is paying more attention to his Crackberry than Om – but that is a common trait of many of us).
It is amusing that I was a (clueless) witness of that encounter as Om and I had discussed about what it would mean to turn GigaOM into a full time business. I am really happy for Om who is an awesome dude, and a good friend, and I look forward to seeing him working his tail off the evolutions of GigaOM.
Of note: for someone who scooped so many news, he got punk’ed by Valleywag. Hilarious.
Matt Marshall has a nice background piece following a discussion he had earlier tonight with Om. Can’t help wondering when Matt will start itching
. Note that Matt was also at that dinner, as this other picture of Caterina shows (Matt is on Om's left).
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