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November 29, 2007



Hey Jeff,

Would it be possible to get a Seesmic invite ? Cheers


The most interesting part is how you change your accent to something that looks like a native accent!

Whatever, I'm interesting by a seesmic invite code. May you send one?

Ken Villines

I would be interested in grabbing an invite and checking out the service....thx


I think I sent you a direct message on twitter (masto), but it doesn't show up, so I don't know if it worked. Anyway, I'd really love a Seesmic invite if you have any left!

Joyce Bettencourt

Hello Jeff - it was an entertaining show as the Seesmic daily shows often are. I am sure you had fun, you guys looked like you were. Congrats on informally announcing your investment in their company, it definitely has created a lot of buzz and, for those of us within the alpha, it is living up to being a compelling video conversation space. :)

Over on twitter I left you 2 names via an @jeffclavier message that I think would make great additions to the Seesmic conversation. I already have an account so I figured I would use this opportunity to spread it to others to join in.

Take care,

Carlos Granier-Phelps

If you can spare an invite, I'd love to give Seesmic a try. Thanks in advance.


Hey Jeff, would love a seesmic account invite if you happen to have any left.

Thanks and cheers

Jason L. Baptiste


Enough with making smart investments already, you're making everyone else look bad :-). Invites like this are going like hotcakes. Very curious to see the long term vision of Seesmic. Lots of potential there. Should we characterize seesmic as more of a complement to twitter, as opposed to a competitor? Oh yeah, an invite would be great. Thanks!


Matthias Zeller

Hello Jeff - Yes I would be interested to test drive Seesmic. My Twitter ID is matzeller.


Kristie Wells


I would love a Seesmic invite if you have one still available.


Hi Jeff,
Please let me get a foot on that extraordinary concept.Would be pleased to get an invite.

Brian Breslin

hey Jeff, I would also love a seesmic invite, my twitter user is brbreslin.

Rob Hof

Hi Jeff, congrats. Would love to get an invite if they're still available. Thanks.

Jackie Danicki

Would love an invite if they're not all gone, mon ami!


Actually one of the more interesting Seesmic shows, to get to see the (or one of the?) investors. I've subscribed to your blog and will see if I can find you on twitter, as it would be interesting to see what other investments you have planned.

PS: I already have an invite, but thanks anyway ;)

Sean Scott


Would love to get one of the last remaining 4 invites to seesmic

Thomas Johnson

Would love to get an invite code!

Maxence TAIEB

Comme tous les commentateurs de cet article, j'aimerai bien tester seesmic. Est-ce qu'il te reste des invits ?
Tu peux me trouver sur twitter ici http://twitter.com/chekchouka

Thomas Carrier

Hi Jeff,

I am also interested in a Seesmic invite.

I'm following you on Twitter so I can be reached there, as well.


Merci beaucoup,

Jim Kerr

I'm trying to see what Seesmic does that Kyte does not, and I'm finding very little. Kyte seems to have even more functionality than Seesmic, and is way further down the development path. What am I missing?

Full disclosure: Kyte is one of our clients.

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