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August 29, 2007


Jackie Danicki

Jeff, I'm so glad to see you return to your blog! I've missed your posts.

Also, I wanted to say that one of the most striking things about you is how much you obviously treasure your wife and the partnership you have with her. I don't think we've ever spoken about her in our too-rare face to face chats, but it shines through so brightly from online observation. It's wonderful that you two are providing such an incredibly positive example to your children of what a good relationship looks like, and how it works. Too few kids get that, and yours are amongst the luckiest. No matter what you achieve in business, no matter how mad your VC skillz are, the job you are doing in raising your children is the most noble work on the planet. It's a pleasure to watch from afar.


Jeff: all the best for the next 40 years, and congrats for your last exit.
very best regards.
a tres vite

Jeremiah Owyang

Congrats to you, the photo is so wonderful due to the great looking folks!

Jacques Froissant (Altaide : le recrutement 2.0)

Congrats Jeff et Bienvenue au club des forties !


hey congrats ! 3,5y to go for me :)


Pretty impressive to look back at all you've done. Happy birthday!


So lovely to see this note....have a glorious birthday!

Celine Lacombe

Joyeux anniversaire de la France ou nous sommes maintenant installes. A tres bientot j'espere, n'hesite pas faire si tu es par la. Moi je passe les 30 bientot... Encore joyeux anniversaire!

John Lin

Congrats on 40 successful years!

Thierry Ferey

Joyeux anniversaire ! Congrats for the big four O (3 yrs to go for me). Talk to you soon



Hey Jeff, already 40?? You are joking, eheheh :-) I wish you all the best privately and professionally, a lot of fun and exciting deals, some good and bad exits (just to remember you from time to time that investing is linked with risk :-), and further on a good time in the Silicon Valley to spread our marvelous French wines and evangelize a bit our US friends also in this field.
Take care, Didier


ha ouais 40....qd même :)....Joyeux Anniversaire et à bientôt !

JM Frangos

Joyeux Anniversaire Jeff! Most people realise at 40 that they are no longer bullet proof, but you sound like French wine, you might well be entering your best vintages from page 40 on! En tout cas, c'est ce que je te souhaite. Bises a Bernadette!

David Hornik

Jeff, happy birthday and congratulations on surviving and thriving. I look forward to many more panels before we turn 50.

Dennis Howlett

Wait 'til you hit the biog 5-0. That's a good one. -:)

All the best Jeff and congrats on making those smart investments.


congrats jeff & apologies just getting around to wishing you a happy b-day only now!

glad to hear such a positive outlook for the future, and all the best for your business & family :)

take care,

- dmc

Serge Lescouarnec


Joyeux Anniversaire
(tres en retard)

You are so much younger than me.
In the past year, I have been musing on passing the 50 year post.
I have even offered a panel for South by Southwest Interactive titled 'Just Over 50 and Not Dead Yet'.

Have a great week-end

I hope we have a chance to meet soon.

'The French Guy from New Jersey'

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