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March 20, 2007


John Furrier

Jeff: congrats on the three years of hard work. It was two years ago that PodTech was conceived and I'll always remember our conversations at dinners and events. Those companies are lucky to have you on their team.

Keep it going!

Jason L. Baptiste

wow, long time no post. That's an amazing portfolio, but more importantly a very diverse one. Coming from the enterprise side, how do you think enterprise/ business applications can innovate in the same manner that the consumer side has? Not only innovation in products and distribution, but in pricing methods.


Serge Lescouarnec


Good to see you back on the blog block

I had the pleasure to see a couple of the people you mention (Ted and Ann) at South by Southwest.

I did take issue with David Hornik as to whether some companies that got VC money made sense as an investment.

He obviously agreed to disagree with me (at least on his picks I guess, others can make mistakes...)

Have a good day

'The French Guy from New Jersey'


Nice to see a post pop up here. I remember enjoying your topical discussion at the StartUp Unconference in MV last year. Glad to see that you are writing again.

Cheers, Sameer

Mike Volpe

Looks like you have built a solid portfolio. I cannot agree more with the focus on capital efficiency. Today there are so many tools available to build consumer and small business services quickly and cheaply. The key question you are trying to answer in a startup business is "will people pay for this product?" and in software / consumer internet it no longer takes a lot of time or money to answer that question.

If you know this as an investor, you will pursue a different strategy than people have before, and I think you will be pretty successful.

Marshall  Kirkpatrick

Jeff, that's a portfolio to be proud of for sure. Your participation in the conversation in this market is much appreciated as well.
take care,

Jeff Clavier

John> Thanks for stopping by. Yes I do remember these conversations and the very first podcast we recorded in my old Palo Alto office 2+ years ago.

Jason> Pricing usage, or better pricing value, is obviously where enterprise software will have to go. The interesting notion is that only a few CIOs will see user generated stuff as an opportunity to make their IT life better/cheaper/easier. We will discuss that at Software 2007 by the way.

Serge> I have had my fair share of criticism or questionning about some of my cos: "Nobody makes money on instant messaging","Yahoo and Google are both developing their own (video search) solution, what do you think Truveo can do again these guys",... At the end of the day, we make a certain set of assumptions to back our investments, and until proven wrong, we stick to them.

Alex de Carvalho

Congrats, Jeff, you've come along way and the hard work has paid off. I won't see you at blogger dinners in Paris, but let me know if you're in Miami and we'll set one up for you. There are plenty of other startups here besides MyBlogLog ;)
A btt j'espere,
scrapblog.com / tapio.com

Auren Hoffman

Jeff -- congrats on the three year anniversary. We've been incredibly lucky to have you as one of our investors ... i am sure all your other portfolio companies feel the same way.

Chris Yeh

He lives! Welcome back to blogging Jeff. And not a bad portfolio either!


Jeff, You rock. What a portfolio !
too bad you don't wanna help entrepreneurs in your own native country. ;-)

Nic Brisbourne

Hi Jeff - good to see you back in the saddle again. I have been saying for some time that building consumer internet companies is going to get more difficult. I was starting to think maybe I was crazy but now I don't feel so alone...

I'll look forward to your posts on the subject.

Also - awesome portfolio - who'd have thought it when we were struggling with the Reuters spin out??? Great work.


Fergus Burns

Hi Jeff

Good to have you back in the saddle - missed your blogging

Hopefully we can grab a pint on my next trip to the Valley

Best Regards

stephane lee

Hi Jeff !

How do they say "fin limier" in English ?

I was wondering : how do your start-ups keep in line with their users expectations ?
Would they care for some feedback ? ;-)

Garth Hall

Only started reading your blogs beginning of 2006, and have enjoyed them and learnt a lot. Thanks for that. Then we got distracted, and you went quiet. filmcommunity.com has been around for six weeks and building quietly toward the Cannes Film Festival.

We're 'a social MEDIA network for Film & Filmmakers, and for anyone interested in the Cinema' (with a Wiki attached). Now there's a hybrid for you - we're developing 'A Wiki for Film' as a companion site.

Congratulations on the portfoilio you've put together, and the people you've helped,
best wishes,

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