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October 09, 2006


Joseph Hunkins

Killer timing on the Video SIG! I wonder how many of the attending companies tomorrow would be thrilled to sell out at 1/100th this YT valuation?


We're doing an experiment on a collaboratively filtered realtime discussion. PLease join us to the following discussion:

TOPIC: google youtube


2006-10-10 , 00:00 CEST (Brussels, Paris, Rome, Madrid, Stockholm).
2006-09-10 , 23:00 BST (London, Dublin, Lisbon).
2006-09-10 , 18:00 EDT (New York, Detroit, Toronto, Montreal).
2006-09-10 , 15:00 PDT (Vancouver, Los Angeles, Tijuana, Yukon).


go to the following url:


Confirm [yes] to the security warning and follow the instructions.
(In some companies a proxy login dialog box will appear. You then need to type your company internet username and password).


A Java plugin installed on your browser.

Dick Deluxe

A sign of the times that oceans of content inherently worth nothing can cumulatively be worth billions! Very fun and interesting watching the content wizards here in SoCal squirm more with each pasing day. YouTube explodes, Tower implodes, and the fun is just beginning.

vps hosting

This is indeed a very good google stance. I am sure now all the disputes relating to youtube would be resolved.

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