Update: we are trying for the first time to video stream the session at this address (QuickTime 7).
Close to 300 video hosting, sharing and editing sites have been counted to date, serving hundreds of millions, if not billions, of videos a day. Video creation is also growing exponentially, and the availability of decent video recording capabilities in cell phones will only accelerate it. It therefore made to us to organize a session on the developing online video ecosystem, ranging from editing, hosting, advertising to search and aggregation. And to make the picture complete, we have also invited the video content production side of things. We expect, and actually wanted, that we’ll discuss topics broader than search per se - but as we’ll establish it, search and discovery mechanisms are fundamental enablers in the world of videos.
To MC the event, we have also decided to innovate: we will have two moderators, who – amongst so many things – produce the “Om & Niall Podsessions” podcast. Om as in Om Malik and Niall as in Niall Kennedy, who are both actors and commentators of the evolving development of online media. Their recent podcast on the topic of video led to their leading this session.
Will be joining us on October 10th for that session:
- Video Editing and Hosting: VideoEgg – Matt Sanchez
- Video Search: CastTV – Alex Vikati
- Video Bookmarking: Dabble – Mary Hodder
- Video Advertising Network: POSTRoller – Tod Sacerdoti
The event will take place at the Conference Center of the Microsoft Silicon Valley Campus (Building 1, 1065 La Avenida St., Mountain View) which has a capacity of 270 attendees. We suggest that you pre-register on this page of the SDForum web site. Note that we will only be able to accept sign-ups at the door based on the remaining capacity. This will also help us figuring out required food and beverages. To speed up the signing process, please print, fill in and bring this form if you are parking your car on the Microsoft campus
The now well established Search SIG Agenda format will be used:
6:30-7:00pm - Registration / Food & Drink
7:00–7:05pm - A few words about the Search SIG
7:05-8:15pm - Act I: The growing online video ecosystem
8:15-8:30pm - Intermission: Search Networking & Geeking Out
8:30-9:00pm - Act II: Product Demos from VideoEgg, CastTV, Dabble and POSTRoller– and Q&A with the audience
9:00-9:15pm - Open Mike Geek: Announcements (30 seconds of fame & fortune)
9:16pm - You Don’t Have To Go Home, But You Can’t Stay Here
Do get in touch with us (searchsig [at] gmail [dot] com) if you want to use a demo slot to launch a new search startup (one, and maybe two companies can take advantage of that).
And remember, there is a distribution list for Search SIG announcements – if you want to join, send an email to [email protected].
Tags: searchsig
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