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August 16, 2006


Jackie Danicki

Nick Carr hasn't heard of niches? I can assure you that the 'A-list' bloggers in, say, the beauty blogging world have no use for the 'A-listers' in, say, the search engine blogging world. And so on. I thought we'd covered this all a couple of years ago.

Dennis Howlett

Jeff - this A-Z list stuff is a crock. Nick was on about patronage as the basis for so-called popularity. But you're right. It's about attention from those that matter to the individual, not a gazzilion links from people who don't.

Frank Ruscica

A transparent — and liquid — market for the ad spaces on single-creator media solves the problem, as adbitrageurs will profit from identifying and helping to popularize undervalued blogs…

howard lindzon

He started a good discussion though. Give the guy that


dude, ya got 5 digits worth of readers in your Feedburner Blog Feed stats... you IS the A-lister!


Serge Lescouarnec


My main pet peeve would be about blogs who either do not accept comments or ask you to register to do so.
I do not disagree with the need to filter comments but to me the ongoing discussion that blog comments permit is an integral part of the liveliness of the 'format'.

Have a good day


Vernon LUn

I believe bloggers contribute to the vast knowledge and inspiration of the Internet whether you have 1 reader or 1 thousand. The problem is that there is no-one who is actively out there promoting the good blogs especially the long tail. TheGoodBlogs was formed specifically to address that. BTW: James, you are being circulated by TheGoodBlogs and that's how I found you.

Robert Scoble

Jeff, you crack me up!

Greg Michael

Excellent! Jeff! Exposing the arrogant rants of Nick Carr. It doesn't take long for the peasants to create their own media villages. While the castles decay with the insane kings patting themselves on the back. See sadbastards.wordpress.com.

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