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August 07, 2006


Henrik Torstensson

It seems like only Fox Interactive Media properties are included, not FoxSports, FoxNews etc.


Jeff Clavier

Henrik> Thanks, I have updated the post accordingly.



I think that this is pure hype and I am willing to wager that:

1) because the deal is based on performance metrics (not disclosed), Google will be able to renegotiate the deal at frequent intervals

2) myspace (while enormous) is not a search destination nor is it a site where banner or text ads will ever perform well

3) the wishful thinking (press release hype) of the deal won't pan out. myspace might get a little bit of overpayment in the first 6 months but then will be relentlessly renegotiated.

4) the relationship will not generate even close to the predicted revenue for both parties.

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