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July 22, 2006




Frank Gruber

Congrats - Happy 2nd B-day!

Nik Cubrilovic

Well done Jeff! Your sub stats are impressive!

Jason Wood

Congratulations and Happy Anniversary Jeff.

Hopefully the toddler years will be as kind as infancy was...



Julio Alonso

Congratulations Jeff, keep it coming.

Ofer Ben-Shachar

Congratulations Jeff for two good years and more to come.



congratulations jeff... And thanks for the reference in your article to netvibes.. Just tried it, and this is far better than my previous rss reader.
Hope to see you soon in London.

howard lindzon

i had you pegged as lazy. Another good call on my part. :)


Happy birthday Software Only! Keep blogging, your insights are extremely interesting. Many thanks for your work.

Martin Wells

Just remember to only blog when it's fun to do. As soon as it becomes a job you'll economize it out of existence.


Congrats Jeff and see you during your break :-P

Tom Foremski

A great example of the value of blogging :-) I'll be celebrating my two year anniversary as a "journalist blogger" in September. I must say that this has been the best (and hardest) thing I've ever done. It continues to be an incredible journey of discovery, and the interactions with people online and offline are incredibly fulfiling.

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