This tag line could very well be related to "An Inconvenient Truth", Al Gore’s thought provoking movie that I recommend everyone to go watch, and ponder upon. But it is actually the tag line of the podcasting channel that the Stanford Center for Social Innovation is launching tonight on Doug Kaye’s Conversations Network: Social Innovation Conversations.
The Center, which is part of the Stanford Graduate School of Business, seeks to build a community of people actively engaged in social innovation, and strengthen the capacity of individuals and organizations to develop innovative solutions to social problems for a more just, sustainable and healthy world. It is part of the curriculum of the Standford MBA program, and does research work on organizational aspects of non-profits.
The purpose of “Social Innovation Conversations” is to be a collaborative online platform for experts, community leaders, and scholars to share their knowledge across sectors for multi-disciplinary learning. The Center will offer conferences, faculty lectures, speaker events and expert interviews. In addition, leading professional and other academic institutions will be invited to contribute content to the channel to raise public awareness about the grand challenges of the world.
Topics covered by the channel include: Corporate Citizenship, Philanthropy, Responsible Investing, Social Entrepreneurship, Sustainability, International Development and Disaster Relief.
Not only is it a very interesting program, it is also something close to my heart since the founding Producer for the channel, and Program and Marketing Manager of the Center, is none other than my beloved wife, Bernadette. So here goes for the family plug .
there are quite a few active groups for positive change on Flickr. a prime example of how Web2.0 Social Networking communities can make a real difference in the World.
a couple i'm familiar with are Millenium Development Goals & Advocacy.
Living with War - based on Neil Young's blog
& one i came across in a huge 2 page ad in USA Today about a month ago - that i feel offers a superb platform for political parties to look at & hopefully implement.
U may say i'm a dreamer but i'm not the only one*
John Lennon*
Posted by: BillyWarhol | June 06, 2006 at 10:03 AM
Experts, professionals active in international development can network together, achieve web-based working productivities, partnerships, event promotions,etc at the Development Advisers Network,
Posted by: Brian O'Doherty | June 07, 2006 at 08:27 AM