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April 24, 2006


Andrew Fife

Definitely a fun little tool. However, it wasn't very accurate in my case. My search reports zero hits for Yahoo, but when I look at the results that are they display, I found a reference to my blog in the 30th result. Adding quotes to my search terms seemed to help a lot.

John Koetsier

Egosurf is a very cool tool ...

About it's accuracy, egosurf is totally dependent on the services that it's checking to a) allow access and b) be accessible (i.e., responsive) when egosurf is checking.

Given how often services like Technorati say "busy now, call back later," it's not much a shock if egosurf can't always get through and get all the links.

I posted about it here:


Very cool, nice find.

I wonder if sometime, some score like this will be up there with SATs and GMATs. Teachers will ask parents to "help your child build his 'social quotient' early on so that they can get in a good college"

And if you know somebody at a good search engine you'll be "juiced in"

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