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August 30, 2005


peter caputa

Thanks for the feedback about my blogging, Jeff. It is good to your take on my style. I am striving to build more of a community/PR blog for WhizSpark with my blog, but there aren't many bloggers that use WhizSpark or many of our customers that blog. Working on that.


I'd like to nominate a few great founder blogs:
* Signal vs Noise - Jason Fried, 37Signals
* Stone - Marc Cenedella, TheLadders
* Joi Ito's Web - Joi Ito, [numerous companies]

Jason is always on top of a lot of cool, relevant design & UI trends (and other stuff too). Sometimes they are related to one of the 37 Signals products & services, but other times they're just fun / cool / great info. thanks jason :)

Marc is a recent voice (for me anyway), but in addition to being an interesting read, he also provides some relevant & pointed historical perspectives on the job search industry (bias: the area my startup is in). Marc was part of the team that started HotJobs and was acquired by Yahoo, and he doesn't pull any punches when talking about the before/after story. when i grow up to be a real blogger, i want to be as daring as Marc is when he speaks.

Joi might not fit the mold of a founder's blog, but because he's involved in so many companies and trends, and cultures (and perhaps because my wife is Japanese & i'm fascinated by the US-Japan cross-cultural issues), he's a really interesting read.

probably several others i'm overlooking here, but there are 3 that i enjoy :)

- dave mcclure

Jeff Nolan

Matt Blumberg's blog is also a good founder blog. http://onlyonce.blogs.com/onlyonce/

Peter Caputa

Very True! Matt's is very good.

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