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August 29, 2005


Michael Arrington

Jeff, Happy Birthday! Let me talk you out to lunch sometime in the next two weeks.

Anthony B. Coates

Happy birthday! Mine was a few days before, but I'm on the other side of 4-0. Luckily, 50 is the new 40 ... Cheers, Tony.

didier beck

bon anniversaire, jeff, from the other side of the ocean. i'm impressed by your children's gifts, wow. concerning the 40-step, think about the fiesta you will be able to organize ;) i know, easy to say when you are 33 and faaaar away from the 40. umh, actually, not so far anymore...

Jackie Danicki

Happy (belated) birthday, Jeff!


Happy happy birthday buddy!


Joyeux Anniversaire!!!!!


(21+yr2)= VC (rich bar steward)

Stéphane LEE

Bon Anniversaire Jeff !

Dave McClure

well darn... sorry i missed it! happy b-day, a bit belated anyway :)

Ross Mayfield

Happy Birthday!

Darla Mack

Happy Belated Birthday!!!

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