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March 29, 2005


Steve Wilhelm

I'd like to give it a try.

Mike Torres

Hi Jeff!

"Need feed syndication, trackbacks, pings, stats, referral lists"

The crazy thing is that MSN Spaces actually has all of this :)

There is a bunch of cool stuff in Y! 360. But just a heads-up that when you post a comment on someone's blog, if you are signed into Yahoo (which I always am without knowing it) 360 automatically includes your picture, name, and a link to your blog without any warning/opt-out. So much for being anonymous!


Jeff Clavier

Yep Mike, I guess they had to drop these features from the list of reqs to focus on implementing the SN and the link to other Yahoo props.
And I actually quite the un-anonymous comments, and having a picture there. We have this on Buzznet and I'd love to see it on my blog.

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