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September 28, 2004



very nice synthesis of my original post and the trackback links. I think you really captured the essence of the commentary and hit on something that I should have drawn the conclusion on in my post (I don't edit when I write, just post whatever is my first draft).

There are a number of deals that end up getting funded by the only venture group that will fund it, but part of the problem is that entrepreneurs don't market their deals very well in that they don't target the right kind of venture group based on some of the criteria that I wrote about. Secondly, and most importantly, if you go into the term sheet/purchase docs negotiation without awareness for the type of firm you are dealing wiht and the personality of the partner, well you are at quite a disadvantage. Every deal has a thousand points of refinement that usually only come into play when something unexpected happens, in which case they are very important.

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