What am I getting myself into, starting a blog whilst there are so many things that I don't have time to do any given day (like reading all interesting blogs, articles and books that are piling up on my desk)? Well, because that is something I have been musing about for a while, and that I needed a catalyst to move from thought to action. That trigger point came as a I realized that I could not speak at BlogOn, and not get my long overdue blog going. So here we go...
Making the decision was the easy part. The (major) question then became: what I am going to talk about on this thing ? Well, what I do for a living and as a passion: helping software companies start and develop.
My firm, SoftTech VC, provides consulting services to the software ecosystem, essentially helping companies in one part of the ecosystem to work with other parts. That practice allows me to get a perspective from all those constituents, with a strong bias towards startups. So, without disclosing anything related to the business of my clients, "Software Only" will focus on ideas, issues and trends related to the Software business.
Happy reading!
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